Revised 11/16/20
Using recommendations from Munson Hospital, MIOSHA & the CDC
When confirming appts we must ask these questions:
- Have you tested positive for Covid 19 or have a COVID test pending?
- Do you have a temp of 100.4 or above?
- Are you experiencing shortness of breath?
- Do you have a cough?
- Do you have a sore throat?
- New loss of taste or smell?
- Any traveling outside MI in the past 14 days?
We are asking all patients & visitors to call from the parking lot — please do not just walk in. We have a strict “No mask, no entry” Policy.
All patients and visitors must:
- Call 1st & enter the building with a mask on
- Use hand sanitizer upon entry into our office
- Have their temperature taken (Any temp. reading under 100.4 is acceptable)
UPDATED: MAY 27, 2020
Thank for joining me for a services update from Audicare Hearing Centers. Although much has changed in our world, Audicare Hearing Centers has not changed its mission to help you find the best hearing possible and stay connected to your world. My name is Dr. Marlene Bevan, and I have good news to share.
Although in the past few months we have all found new ways to connect our lives and our work, few of us were prepared to be living or working in this new or different way. Few of us ever considered the need to stay safe.
At Audicare, we consulted experts nationally and internationally to master the best practices to delivering your service both from a hearing health care and a health care perspective. We’ve learned exciting new ways to bring hearing health care to you, and you will notice some changes when you visit.
Our new process is simple. Call us from the parking lot when you arrive. After each patient leaves, it takes just a few minutes for us to clean the public spaces in our offices. When we finish, we will call you back and invite you to come inside. Our schedules are booked to allow you time to arrive and leave without interacting with others. We are working to ensure that you will see no other patients while you are here.
What you will see are the same smiling faces you have grown accustomed to, even though those smiles will be covered by our protective gear. In case you forget your mask, we have one you can wear and take with you. Before we begin, there is hand sanitizer on each desk for you to use and also to put in your pocket or your purse to take with you. We want you to be safe during your visit and after.
We are sorry, but offering you coffee when you arrive or chocolates on your way out is just not a good health practice. We are still offering the best-quality hearing care. We have found new ways to provide the same quality services in a safety-first manner.
You can use our telehealth appointments, and we can help you learn to do this. Through your phone or computer, we can see you, find out how you are doing and, most importantly, answer your questions and concerns about your hearing. Some of the newer hearing aids can even be adjusted in the privacy and comfort of your own home.
We are now offering curbside service for cleaning and checking your hearing aids. Without coming into the office, your hearing aids can be cleaned; receivers, filters, or domes can be replaced; and if needed, minor hearing aid repair can be provided so that your hearing aids continue to function at their peak performance.
By June we will be providing hearing testing, supported by research and equipment designed for use in-home. We can update your fittings and thus provide you the best possible result with your hearing aids. Need to upgrade your fitting? We can help you make that happen. And lastly, if you know of someone who is struggling with their hearing loss, we are accepting new patients at this time.
We are humbled that you have chosen Audicare. Hearing your best is the most important step in staying connected in this time of social distancing. When this is over, you will be ready to clearly hear the sounds of celebration in your home, in your neighborhood, and in our communities.
Thank you again for choosing Audicare Hearing Centers. Feel free to call us at (231) 668-9398 or (989) 966-1225 for appointments or answers to questions about how we can help. Stay safe and stay well.
UPDATED: MAY 12, 2020
Dear Friends and Family of Audicare,
We hope you and yours are well and staying safe in this time of crisis. As we consider how we can best assist you with your hearing and communication concerns, we have come up with guidelines to help keep everyone safe and limit your exposure to COVID-19.
Making an appointment: We are available daily by phone in both offices.
When you call to make an appointment, Karen or Nicole will tell you about our telehealth appointments to see if we can answer your needs with a telehealth visit with one of our providers — Dr. Bevan, Jeanne, or Jesse.
They will also inquire if curbside service might be a better option for you. We can come to your vehicle and take your hearing aids into the clinic for routine clean-and-check appointments while you wait safely in your vehicle.
If you just need batteries or supplies, we can send those to you by mail and they will usually arrive within 3 to 4 days. Please confirm your mailing address when you order.
Some of you have newer hearing aids that can be adjusted with remote care. If this is an option, we are happy to discuss the process with you. We can explain how it works and get you started with an initial telehealth appointment.
This might be the time to consider upgrading your fitting so that your care can proceed remotely and without interruption. Ask us about options for remote hearing assessment and upgrading your instruments. For your safety and increased hearing benefit, we can perform these services remotely. Ask a provider to discuss the process with you.
How to visit safely: Safety is our largest concern, so we have some new procedures for in-office appointments.
If you do need to come in, we will inquire if you have experienced a temperature or any COVID-19 symptoms. If you haven’t, we will schedule your appointment but ask that you call us when you arrive and wait in your car until we call you back or come to get you. That ensures that you will not be in the waiting room with other patients.
Masks are required for clinic appointments, but if you don’t have one with you, we have a supply of disposable masks available. Between appointments we are cleaning door handles, desk surfaces, arms on chairs and any surfaces that might have been touched by others before your appointment. We have hand sanitizers and tissues available in each room that we will use before your appointment starts, and we invite you to do the same.
Our goal is to keep you and our staff members safe and healthy during these challenging times while we provide the highest level of personal service to ensure that you are hearing as well as you can and enjoying the personal communication that is so important to all of us.
With every best wish,
Marlene A. Bevan, Ph.D. and the staff of Audicare Hearing Centers
To our Audicare Friends and Family,
I am reaching out to you to keep you informed as the coronavirus (COVID-19) is impacting our community more and more every day. In response to Governor Whitmer’s Stay Home Stay Safe directive, our offices in Gaylord and Traverse City are now Temporarily closed. We anticipate re-opening on Monday April 13th.
More than anything, Audicare wants to be here for you during these difficult times. We are monitoring and responding to your phone calls. If you get a recorded message, we are likely assisting another client. PLEASE LEAVE US A MESSAGE SO THAT WE MAY RETURN YOUR CALL! It’s important to include your name and the telephone number at which we can reach you. We will get back to you today. If you don’t hear from us, we may have had a communications glitch, so call again and leave your message.
Some of your concerns may be able to be addressed over the phone. Please let us know what you need. Hearing aid supplies can always be sent to you by mail. If you have warranties that you want to extend, we can easily do that over the phone.
Thank you for trusting Audicare Hearing Centers with your hearing health care and personal communication needs. Please know that the health and safety of our patients, our employees and their families is our priority and at the heart of every decision we make.
With every best wish,
Marlene A. Bevan, Ph.D. and the staff of Audicare Hearing Centers
To our Audicare Friends and Family,
Thank you for trusting Audicare Hearing Centers with your hearing health care and personal communication needs. I am reaching out to you as the coronavirus (COVID-19) is impacting our community more and more every day. Please know that the health and safety of our patients, our employees and their families is our first priority and at the heart of every decision we make.
We are closely following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and for now it is necessary for us to change the way we live and work.
The cleanliness of our offices is of the highest importance. We’re taking steps including continuously cleaning our desks, counters, clinical spaces, and common areas to provide you with a safe, healthy environment. Throughout our offices, you will find hand sanitizer to be easily used by you and our employees. We will continue to monitor the situation and comply with guidance from the CDC, the state of Michigan and our local government authorities.
Most importantly, if you feel ill, or uncomfortable attending an appointment, don’t hesitate to contact us and we will reschedule. If you have warranties that you want to extend, we can do that easily over the phone with you. Hearing aid supplies can always be sent to you by mail. Before coming in, call us and let’s see if we can solve your hearing issues over the phone. Our mission is to provide the best possible hearing care and personal communication solutions. Your needs come first.
With every best wish,
Marlene A. Bevan, Ph.D. and the staff of Audicare Hearing Centers